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Wednesday, May 17, 2006


ana ventura

:)I'm so happy that you like her. Thanks so much for this beautiful words :) I'm blushing

Velda Pond

Hi Ana & thank you for stopping by.

No need to blush my humble friend, the compliments are well deserved.

Silly I know but I'm doing back flips with excitement at the thought of her arrival.

Please be sure to wrap her well so that her beauty remains hidden as I have a feeling she could well break a heart or two if left to her own devices and some ruffian may try to steal her away, and that, as they so rightly say in all the best dramas, would never do ....


I wanted this one, too--but I just can't spend the money right now. :) So lovely!

Velda Pond

She is a sweetie isn't she but don't fret, I'm sure you'll bag one just, if not more, beautiful when the time is right :D


"curb my spending"... yep, that's my goal for this month, too. It's not working for me, either!!

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